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Friday, 27 February 2015

First direct observation confirms CO2 causing increase in greenhouse effect

First direct observation confirms CO2 causing increase in greenhouse effect

HARROW: Scientists say they’ve made the first direct observations confirming an increasing greenhouse effect at the Earth’s surface caused by carbon dioxide.
The finding confirms in nature what has already been predicted by computer models and seen in laboratory experiments, that continued emissions of carbon dioxide are causing warming of the surface of the Earth, researchers say.
“We’re actually measuring the fact that rising carbon dioxide concentrations are leading to the greenhouse effect,” says the study lead author Dan Feldman at California’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “This is clear observational evidence that when we add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, it will push the system to a warmer place.”
The finding is the first direct confirmation of the impact atmospheric CO2 has on the balance between the energy coming in from the Sun and the outgoing heat from the Earth.
When more energy flows in than flows out, it creates a greenhouse effect through what scientists term radiative forcing.

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